Let's be realistic: All of us spend too much time scrolling through social media on our phones.  These devices give us access to more information than we ever thought possible when the internet started to become popular over 25 years ago.

If you are old enough, you remember the original social media platforms were MySpace, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Tumblr.  Today, there seems to be an endless number of social media network options that cater to different people's interests and goals.

A new study of people's social media habits has revealed interesting details about states like New Jersey. The Secure Data Recovery Research Team surveyed thousands of Americans between 18 to 76 years old to find out people's social media habits.

According to their research, 88% of Americans think parents overshare their children on social media and 56% of Survey respondents have unfollowed someone for oversharing their controversial opinions, political views, and health issues.

How Bad Is New Jersey At Oversharing On Social Media?

The Secure Data Recovery Research Team has rated New Jersey as the second-worst state at Oversharing on Social Media. NJ Residents overshare more than any other state on social media about financial information, sensitive/traumatic experiences, and illegal activities.

Although they are not the worst in the United States, New Jersey residents also overshare political content.  People in The Garden State share mostly criticism and negative memes about candidates on social media.

Social Media apps
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

The good news is New Jersey ranked as one of the best states in America for NOT oversharing about their kids online. NJ residents are rated the 4th best in the United States at not posting excessive content about their children on social media.

These Are The Top Ten States That Overshare On Social Media In America:

1. West Virginia
2. New Jersey
3. Arkansas
4. Kentucky
5. Oregon
6. Nebraska
7. Illinois
8. California
9. Colorado
10. Alabama

Aside from oversharing online, one of the other issues in today's world of smartphones is controversial Social Media Challenges. These are the most dangerous Online Trends that New Jersey parents need to be aware of:

Dangerous & Harmful Social Media Challenges Parents Should Be Aware Of

You have to know about them before you can do something about them.

Gallery Credit: Nicole Murray